A wilderness Rite of Passage

"While I stood there I saw more than I can tell
and I understood more than I saw.
For I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things
in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being...

... And I saw that it was holy"

Black Elk

Vision Quest


A wilderness Rite of Passage

"While I stood there I saw more than I can tell
and I understood more than I saw.
For I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things
in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being...

... And I saw that it was holy"

Black Elk

Our Belonging

We used to ‘know’ our belonging in our bones. As a culture we have grown away from intimacy with the more-than-human world, yet it waits for us.

This initiatory journey is an invitation to remember what we deeply belong to, what we have always belonged to.

vision quest

A Initatory Journey

For much of our story as a people the wider natural world has long been respected as a necessary partner in initiatory journeys or rites of passage. The land offers itself as mirror, as ally, as fertile container in which to draw close to the roots of our life, to what is important and what so easily can be forgotten in the fullness of contemporary life.


This journey will be divided into the three classic phases of a passage rite:
vision fast
I - Preparation
The first days serve as our preparation as we come together as a community to clarify our intentions. Here we listen to each other’s stories of where we find ourselves in life and what brings us here. Specifically, we explore in some depth our intention for this passage rite, what is it in our life that is asking to be honoured or marked through an initiatory journey?
II - Threshold in Nature

The threshold phase will be a traditional four day and night fast. Each person goes alone into the wilderness (with the support of guides at base camp), without food and minimal external trappings. The threshold time allows for one’s intention to be revealed and to be unfolded in the mirror of Nature. It is a time for self-generated ceremony, for becoming intimately receptive to one’s life and for experiencing both the challenge and the beauty of taking our place amongst our relations as a simple human animal on this Earth.

III - Incorporation
The final days are devoted to incorporation. We share the stories of our threshold time and explore its gifts and implications for the life we return to. We sit in ‘story council’, sharing our stories and having them mirrored back to us by the community, offering the opportunity to see our individual narrative in a wider context. This can be one of the most touching and heartfeltaspects of our time together: being witnessed and affirmed by those who we have come to know intimately.

Fotos & Testimonios
del último Retiro Vision Quest

Fotos & Testimonios
del último Retiro Vision Quest



JUNE 2022: Retreat in English - From June 2 to 12 (11 days with 3 days of 'solo' in Nature. Group of maximum 10-12 people mixed-gender group-)
  • Will be guiding: Diana Bacanu


¿Otras Fechas?

¿Te interesa poder participar en un Vision Quest pero no te van bien las fechas? Apúntate aquí y te mantendremos informado:
Voudriez-vous faire une quête de vision en français et ces dates ne vous conviennent pas?

Alojamiento e Inscripciones

Retiro SEPTIEMBRE - El alojamiento será en habitaciones compartidas. Las comidas están incluidas (comida vegetariana).

Aportación para todo el retiro: 
  • 320€ para inscripciones hechas antes del 15/07 (15% dto).
  • 350€ para inscripciones hechas antes del 30/07 (8% dto).
  • 380€ para inscripciones hechas antes del 15/08 (0% dto).
  • El 15/08 se cierran las inscripciones

Alojamiento e Inscripciones

Retiro SEPTIEMBRE - El alojamiento será en habitaciones compartidas. Las comidas están incluidas (comida vegetariana).

Aportación para todo el retiro: 380€ para inscripciones hechas antes del 15/08. El 15/08 se cierran las inscripciones.


Suggested contribution for all the retreat (teachings + accomodation + tasty vegetarian meals), depending on your posibilities and generosity, is:

11-days-retreat in June (mixed-gender group) with three guides:
  • if you enroll before April 15th: between 700€ and 900€1
  • if you enroll before May 15th: between 800€ and 900€1

1We want to support economic relationships which contribute towards a culture of sharing, an economy rooted in generosity. Transalquimia has created a sliding scale for some of its retreats in an effort to keep our courses affordable to a wide range of people. The suggested donations2 reflect the basic income required to make the events viable. We set forth no criteria and trust that each participant will donate what he/she feel is appropriate.

2All financial contributions you make are donations, that enable Transalquimia project to fulfill its non-profit aims which is to support individual and collective transformation, in service of reconnecting human beings to Nature and to the wider Earth community, and supporting the protection of life on Earth.


  • In the mountains of Les Guilleries, Girona.
    • 105Km from Barcelona, Spain.
    • 55Km from Girona, Spain.

Some Pics of Fasts in Les Guilleries, Montsant & Pyrenees mountains


  • Day 1 - evening arrival
  • Day 2-3-4 - preparation & intents
  • Day 5-6-7 – Fast & Solo time
  • Day 8 – Back to basecamp + Story Council
  • Day 9-10 – Story Council + Incorporation
  • Day 11 – Departure

Do you want to be part of this group?
Ask us for more info:

Your Guides

Diana Bacanu is a nature based guide and a bioenergetics therapist. As a co-founder of, Diana leads retreats and courses supporting people to reconnect to themselves (body-mind-soul), to others and to Nature, as a way of remembering their true nature and their deeper belonging.  Diana has trained as a guide with the School of Lost Borders in the U.S. on contemporary wilderness rites of passage and she offers deep ecology retreats, inspired by Joanna Macy’s “work that reconnects” as well as mindfulness courses and retreats. She facilitates Vision Quest retreats in Spanish, French and English.

My name is Eartha Love and I am passionate about rewilding land and people, Earth connection, mentoring, dreaming and dancing. I have travelled the Earth widely learning about Native ways and shamanism. I now live a nomadic life on the road with my family.
I am co founder of Sacred Woman, Sacred World which is about Reclaiming/Recovering Our Natural Power and restoring the Sacredness of our inner world, so we can bring through our unique gifts and work towards restoring the outer, all of life..
I am also creator of Woman Becoming which is offers mentoring programs and community led rites of passage for young women and girls. Woman becoming also has training programs dedicated to recreating the village needed to hold our daughters in strength.

Your Guides

Diana Bacanu is a nature based guide and a bioenergetics therapist. As a co-founder of, Diana leads retreats and courses supporting people to reconnect to themselves (body-mind-soul), to others and to Nature, as a way of remembering their true nature and their deeper belonging.  Diana has trained as a guide with the School of Lost Borders in the U.S. on contemporary wilderness rites of passage and she offers deep ecology retreats, inspired by Joanna Macy’s “work that reconnects” as well as mindfulness courses and retreats. She facilitates Vision Quest retreats in Spanish, French and English.

Xavier Compte is a co-founder of, an organisation where he supports different groups in deepening both the interconnection with Nature, and a better understanding of our personal, interpersonal and transpersonal qualities. He trained with the School of Lost Borders in the U.S. on contemporary wilderness Rites of Passage, and currently offers Vision Quest retreats in SpanishFrench and English in the Guilleries mountains in Spain, where he lives. Certified in Shinrin-Yoku, Xavi guides groups on forest bathing journeys.

Guillem Caballero is passionate about Ecological Transition and above all the individual dimension of it. He studied and worked as a teaching support at Schumacher College in England for Masters programs. He is one of the co-founders and facilitators of Schumacher Sprouts Belgium. He lived for a few months in an Ecovillage.
He deepened his knowledge of the psyche through his studies and his work in psycho-energetic therapy. Introduced in 2015 to the practices of rites of passage in nature by Colin Campbell, he continued to train and experience this ancient and powerful practice in various contexts and traditions, from England to California, Belgium, UK and Spain.

My name is Eartha Love and I am passionate about rewilding land and people, Earth connection, mentoring, dreaming and dancing. I have travelled the Earth widely learning about Native ways and shamanism. I now live a nomadic life on the road with my family.
I am co founder of Sacred Woman, Sacred World which is about Reclaiming/Recovering Our Natural Power and restoring the Sacredness of our inner world, so we can bring through our unique gifts and work towards restoring the outer, all of life..
I am also creator of Woman Becoming which is offers mentoring programs and community led rites of passage for young women and girls. Woman becoming also has training programs dedicated to recreating the village needed to hold our daughters in strength.

Guías del Retiro

Diana de Transalquimia
Xavier de Transalquimia

Diana y Xavi son co-fundadores de Transalquimia y son Guías en Ritos de Paso / Vision Quest, formadores en Ecología Profunda y terapeutas en Bioenergética.

Other elements we will explore

rites of passage
Other elements we will explore in support of our time together will include:

• The practice of ‘Council
• Shaping and honing of ‘intent’ as a foundation for threshold experiences
• Exploring the role of contemporary wilderness rites of passage or initiatory journeys in our times, including the challenges to this.
The four Shields of Human Nature – An Ecopsychologial model of human development.
• The nature of self-generated ceremony and the role of threshold crossing.
• Experientially exploring Nature as mirror and guide
• The role and art of Mirroring for empowerment and community witnessing.
Physical safety during the Threshold time

Cruzar la Frontera. Cruzar un Portal

Cruzar las Fronteras...
La Búsqueda de Visión moderna es una práctica de cruzar fronteras. Cuando una persona cruza un portal y hace el primer paso en un desierto, en un espacio desconocido, las fronteras empiezan a desaparecer y su Visión empieza a expandirse.
...con Sentido Profundo...
Cruzando este portal, 'solo' en la Naturaleza salvaje, todo empezará a cobrar un Sentido Profundo. La Naturaleza empezará a hablarnos con la voz de las Rocas, los Árboles, el Viento...
...en un Rito de Paso
Siguiendo las antiguas tradiciones de ritos de paso, caminaremos hacia nuestra verdadera Naturaleza y recordaremos nuestra casa en el medio del bosque. Nos volveremos aquellos seres que hemos venido a ser.

Interested to participate...

If you need more information about Vision Quest retreats,
you can contact us by mail.

Te interesa

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