The Nature of Death and Dying

Healing and Restoring our relationship with Living and Dying

“Our greatest fear is that when we die we will become nothing.  To really be free of fear, we must look deeply into the ultimate dimension to see our true nature of no-birth and no-death.  We need to free ourselves from these ideas that we are just our bodies, which die.  When we understand that we are more than our physical bodies, that we didn’t come from nothingness and will not disappear into nothingness, we are liberated from fear.” 

Thich Nhat Hanh

The Nature of Death and Dying


Healing and Restoring our relationship with Living and Dying


In modern life, loss and death have become the enemy. As a culture, we are terrified of the fertile darkness of the outbreath and the reality of our impermanence. No one escapes the vulnerability that comes with inhabiting a temporal body. And yet, most of the time, we live as if we could.


At the core of this defensive stance lies the wound of separation. As modern humans, we have forgotten that we belong. We fear we will turn into nothing once we die. We have forgotten that we are born into a circle we were already part of, since before we were conceived, a circle we will continue to nurture, long after our bodies have returned to the mycelial network from which they arose.

We are not separate from Nature.
Life is cyclical, interconnected and forever becoming.
When did we forget that?

We are not separate from Nature.
Life is cyclical, interconnected and forever becoming.
When did we forget that?
We are not separate from Nature.
Life is cyclical, interconnected and forever becoming.
When did we forget that?
The malaise of our human un-belonging does not affect us only on a personal level or within our human communities. It has also led the way to the kind of unrelenting one-way growth and global resource extraction that has eradicated other species at an alarming rate and pushed the Living Earth to the edge.
At a time when we question the very future of life on Earth, healing our relationship with death may well be the single most important work of our lives.

Once you start looking around, the opportunities to practice are endless.

Death does not start when life ends.

It is with us from the moment we are born until the moment we return to the mystery from which we came.

What about dying to old beliefs that are no longer true for us?
What about dying to the body, the youth, the strength we may no longer have?
The landscapes we lost to the climate crisis?
The intimacy we lost to Covid?
What about dying to old beliefs that are no longer true for us?
What about dying to the body, the youth, the strength we may no longer have?
The landscapes we lost to the climate crisis?
The intimacy we lost to Covid?


Whether you are working with your relationship to physical death, are simply dying to an old way and life that is no longer true for you, or whether you wrestle with the grief of these times and the destruction/extinction in the world around you,
you are welcome here.



Throughout our time together, the earth, her elements, seasons and cycles will be our map of wholeness and our mirror. Nature has held the full spectrum of life since the beginning of time. She will be the guide in our journey through the lens of body, soul, mind, and spirit.
More than a program, this will be an 8-day ceremony. Solo time on the land, stories, councils and group gatherings will hold and connect us, as well as reflect and honor our experiences. In addition, we may suggest personalized ceremony, exploring expression through art, movement, and other creations.


Mornings will be spent together in circle with the group, and afternoons are time for contemplative walks and time alone on the earth. A day long solo with fasting (optional) begins on the morning of day 6. During your time of fasting and aloneness, your guides will maintain a safe perimeter around the area, and another person will be nearby. Individual modifications to the solo are made based on medical and personal needs.

Restoring our relationship with death shifts our infatuation with survival to a deeper inquiry into the grace of our living. This shift carries a healing message back into the cellular level of our being that invites us to live from love rather than from fear. And living from love is really what it’s all about. It is indeed the story of our most essential self” 

Petra Lentz-Snow

About the retreat

Dates: September 24th to October 1st
-Arrival time on 24th: between 15-16h
-Departure time on 1st: betwen 11-12h

Language: The retreat will be conducted in English with translation into Spanish

Group Size: 10-12 participants


 Petra Lentz-Snow – School of Lost Borders

 Diana Bacanu – Transalquimia

 Xavier Compte – Transalquimia


  • In the forests of Les Guilleries mountains, near Girona. 10km from Santa Coloma de Farners.


The contribution that we propose for the entire retreat (teachings + accommodation + tasty vegetarian meals), depending on your possibilities and your generosity, is:
  • if you register before August 20: between 750€ and 1300€*
  • if you register after August 20: between 850€ and 1300€*
*We want to support an economy based on generosity and, at the same time, allow our retreats to be accessible to a greater number of people. Suggested donations reflect the basic income required for events to be viable. We do not establish any criteria and we trust that each participant will give what they consider appropriate.
If you find yourself in financial hardship, please contact us for a reduced rate.

Our policy on refunding and returning contributions/deposits is: We will fully reimburse deposits for cancellations we are notified of three months in advance of the start date of a course. For cancellations made between three months and 6 weeks in advance we will return 50% of the deposit. No refunds will be made for cancellations with less than 6 weeks notice.

¿Do you want to join
The Nature of Death & Dying retreat?

Participar en el cuidado de la comunidad y el mantenimiento del centro de práctica mientras se disfruta de la práctica de mindfulness, es una práctica que se conoce como Trabajo Meditativo (Working Meditation) y puede ser un gran motivo de satisfacción y felicidad.
Al cocinar una comida vegetariana deliciosa, o al cortar la leña que utilizaremos para encender el fuego, etc. nos mantenemos plenamente presentes, conscientes de nuestra respiración y de la actividad que estamos haciendo.
Cuando trabajamos en el jardín, nos ponemos en contacto con las plantas y alimentamos nuestra conexión con la tierra en la que vivimos.
Al barrer el comedor, vemos que ya estamos practicando para calmar nuestra mente y cuerpo.
No hay que tener prisa en hacer el trabajo. Nuestra contribución más importante a la Sangha es mantener nuestra práctica del mindfulness mientras trabajamos.
Mindfulness en acción.
El Trabajo Meditativo nos vincula con nuestra vida cotidiana, tanto en el centro de retiros como cuando regresamos a casa.
Después del retiro, al volver a nuestra vida de cada día, podremos practicar la atención plena mientras trabajamos en nuestro ordenador, o mientras preparamos la cena para nuestra familia. Podremos relajarnos y sonreír a nuestros compañeros de trabajo y mantener un ritmo de trabajo más tranquilo, sereno y más presente.

Durante el retiro de Vivir Despiert@s, Vivir Junt@s practicaremos la atención plena en el trabajo durante el Trabajo Meditativo. Practicaremos Mindfulness en acción


Petra has been involved in vision fasts and wilderness rites of passage programs for more than 30 years. She is a guide, trainer and active steward  at the School of Lost Borders.

Petra is a mother of three adult children and a breast cancer survivor, passionate about facilitating and seeding initiatory experiences and threshold practices in modern culture. Areas of special focus include women rites; the work with Illness, Loss and Death; as well as Cancer and the Art of Living. She holds space as woman, fledgling elder, guide, not-so-fine artist and cancer initiate and mainly as someone who walks with the awareness of death and lives by the grace of a heart that keeps expanding.

Diana is a nature based guide and a bioenergetics therapist. As a co-founder of, Diana leads retreats and courses supporting people to reconnect to themselves (body-mind-soul), to others and to Nature, as a way of remembering their true nature and their deeper belonging.  Diana has trained as a guide with the School of Lost Borders in the U.S. on contemporary wilderness rites of passage and she offers deep ecology retreats, inspired by Joanna Macy’s “work that reconnects” as well as mindfulness courses and retreats. She facilitates Vision Quest retreats in SpanishFrench and English.

Xavier is a co-founder of, where he gives support to different groups in deepening both the interconnection with Nature, and a better understanding of our personal, interpersonal and
transpersonal qualities.
He trained with the School of Lost Borders in the U.S. on contemporary wilderness Rites of Passage, and currently offers Vision Quest retreats in SpanishFrench and English in the Guilleries mountains in Spain, where he lives. Certified in Shinrin-Yoku, Xavi guides groups on forest bathing journeys.

Petra has been involved in vision fasts and wilderness rites of passage programs for more than 30 years. She is a guide, trainer and active steward  at the School of Lost Borders.

Petra is a mother of three adult children and a breast cancer survivor, passionate about facilitating and seeding initiatory experiences and threshold practices in modern culture. Areas of special focus include women rites; the work with Illness, Loss and Death; as well as Cancer and the Art of Living. She holds space as woman, fledgling elder, guide, not-so-fine artist and cancer initiate and mainly as someone who walks with the awareness of death and lives by the grace of a heart that keeps expanding.

Diana is a nature based guide and a bioenergetics therapist. As a co-founder of, Diana leads retreats and courses supporting people to reconnect to themselves (body-mind-soul), to others and to Nature, as a way of remembering their true nature and their deeper belonging.  Diana has trained as a guide with the School of Lost Borders in the U.S. on contemporary wilderness rites of passage and she offers deep ecology retreats, inspired by Joanna Macy’s “work that reconnects” as well as mindfulness courses and retreats. She facilitates Vision Quest retreats in SpanishFrench and English.

Xavier is a co-founder of, where he gives support to different groups in deepening both the interconnection with Nature, and a better understanding of our personal, interpersonal and
transpersonal qualities.
He trained with the School of Lost Borders in the U.S. on contemporary wilderness Rites of Passage, and currently offers Vision Quest retreats in SpanishFrench and English in the Guilleries mountains in Spain, where he lives. Certified in Shinrin-Yoku, Xavi guides groups on forest bathing journeys.

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